Centro de Santa Margarida

Release date:2019/07/30
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Centro de Santa Margarida was founded by the sisters of the Daughters of Charity of the Canossian Institute in 1907. It was a residential home for the disables aged over 16 years old. In 1988, the centre was taken over by the Caritas Macau. The centre commits to optimize the living environment of the service users and provide them with a spiritually and physically enriched hearth.


The centre provides a comfortable and supportive environment for the residents to have a healthy and cheerful life and, most important of all, to live with dignity. We also aim to support the residents to enjoy a community living with quality.

Service Content

·  Residential Service

  1. Long-term Accommodation Service - Providing 24-hour, 365-day accomadation management, health care and rehabilitation service, individualized or group activities on leisure and community participation, continuous self-development, interpersonal development, etc.

·  Short-term Accommodation Service

  1. Providing life experience or training programs (inc. 1 - 3months unit activities on independent living/ leisure planning/community participation), according to the applicant's choices, so as to enhance the applicant's independent growth development, community participation and integration, etc.

  2. Short-term accomodation service is limited to no more than 3 months in a year.

·  Temporary Residential Care Service

  1. A short term residential and care service that allow the caregivers of the applicant to handle their personal affairs, and provides respite care or emergent accomodation. Temporary accomodation service is limited to no more than 14 consecutive days. In special cases, we may consider an extention of the service period.

Target Group

·  Long-term Accommodation Service

  1. Females aged 16 or above with mental retardation or physical disability (assessed by the Assessment Centre for Rehabilition of the Social Welfare Bureau);

  2. Lack of family care or inadequate support from the family;

  3. Upon check-up by a medical doctor, proven to be physically and mentally suitable for communal life with no serious infectious diseases.

·  Short-term Accommodation Service

  1. Females aged 16 or above with mental retardation (mild/moderate grade) or physical disability (non-bedridden), as assessed by the Assessment Centre for Rehabilition of the Social Welfare Bureau;

  2. Needs for training on independent living skills.

·  Temporary Residential Care Service

  1. Females aged 16 or above, can be evalutated through the Assessment Centre for Rehabilition of the Social Welfare Bureau;

  2. Urgent need of temporary accommodation and care service;

  3. Willing to have communal life with no serious infectious diseases.



·  Long-term Accommodation Service

  1. In-person registration in the Assessment Centre for Rehabilitation of the Social Welfare Bureau;

  2. Referral from the Rehabilitation Service Division of the Social Welfare Bureau (IASM)

·  Short-term Accommodation Service

  1. In-person registration in the Assessment Centre for Rehabilitation of the Social Welfare Bureau;

  2. Referral from the Rehabilitation Service Division of the Social Welfare Bureau (IASM)

·  Temporary Residential Care Service

  1. In-person application or referral from Rehabilitation Service unit of the Social Welfare Bureau (IASM)

·  Application Procedure (Applicable to Long-term/Short-term application ONLY)

  1. Upon receiving referral, social worker from our centre will arrange appointment with the applicants. Afterwards, social worker together with therapist (Occupational Therapist/Physiotherapist), nurse or supervisor will arrange a home visit for preliminary evaluation. They will also explain the service in the centre and the process of application during the visit.

  2. Social worker in our centre will make arrangement for the applicant and her family members/guardian/deputy to visit the centre.

  3. Applicants must submit medical declaration issued by registered medical doctor in Macau.

·  Procedure upon accepting service (Applicable to Long-term/Short-term application ONLY)

  1. When the applicant fulfills the entry criteria, the social worker will inform the applicant and her family members/guardian/deputy to arrange the exact move-in date and the necessities to be brought;

  2. Applicants will live in the centre for a probational period of 3 months. When proven to be suitable for the service, the applicant will then go through the formal move-in process.


Quota for Long-term Accommodation Service: 107
Quota for Short-term Accommodation Service: 4
Quota for Temporary Residential Care Service: 4


Long-term Accommodation Service: MOP2,500 (per month)
Short-term Accommodation Service: MOP700 (per week)
Temporary Residential Service : MOP100 (per day)

Service Hour

24 hours

Visiting Hour

Monday ~ Sunday

Office Hour

Monday ~ Saturday
09:00~13:00 & 14:00~18:00

Contact Us

Add : Rua De Tin Chon, Povoação de Cheok Ka, Taipa, Macau  Location 

Tel  : 2883 5935

Fax : 2883 5931

Email : stamargactr@gmail.com


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