Funded by the Instituto de Acção Social and based on the concept from “home nursing” to “home care”, Serviço de Apoio Domiciliário e de Apoio aos Cuidadores da Cáritas (“Caritas Home Care and Caregiver Support Service”) brings nursing care services to the community. Additional care service during the evening and holidays are also available to those in need. This provides a seamless community care support to the fragile.
To provide 24-hour care services for people in need in the community so that early intervention can be given to avoid the deterioration of service target’s condition and to alleviate the need for residential care and hospitals.
Service Content
• Primary personal care, i.e. bathing and hair washing, feeding, changing diapers, etc.
• Special care, i.e. wound care, nasogastric tube feeding, diabetes care, ostomy care, etc.
• Rehabilitation services, i.e. physical therapy, occupational therapy, and suggestions for
improving the safety of home environment.
• Social work services, i.e. case counselling, volunteer care, group activities, etc.
• Training at home, i.e. health education and nursing guidance.
• Individual escort care plan and escort services to seek medical treatment, i.e. home and community life skills training services for people with disabilities/ mental disabilities
Service Target
• Holders of Macao SAR Resident Identity Card
• Assessed as moderate or severe intellectual impairment to look after one’s daily activities.
Applicants can obtain the application form from the service stations of “Caritas Home Care and Caregiver Support Service” in person, complete and return it to the service station with the required information, or fax or email the completed application form/referral form to:
(Fax): 28437127/28554702 or E-mail:
Service Application
contact us
Service Referral
contact us
Service Fee
contact us
Office Hours
Monday to Sunday: 09:00-13:00, 14:00-18:00
Contact Us
Areia Preta Service Station
Rua da Praia do Manduco, n.° 61 - 63, 2º andar, Macau
Office hours: (853) 2843 7006
(Non-office Hours- Voice message service) (853) 28437947
Fax: (853) 2843 7127
Central District Service Station
Praça dos Lótus, n.º 95, Edifício do Bairro da Ilha Verde, 2º andar, D2, Macau,
Office hours: (853) 2855 3658 / (853) 2855 4824
Fax: (853) 2855 4702